Drumming up business: How the principles of drumming can be applied to digital marketing

Adrian Griffin Acedrum Audio drumming

šŸ„ Playing the drums and digital marketing might seem like two very different things, but they actually have a lot in common!  šŸ•ŗšŸ» The importance of rhythm Just like a drummer needs to keep a steady beat, effective digital marketing and web design require strategic planning and well-timed execution. ā±ļø Timing is everything Posting at the […]

5 simple things you can do to boost your credibility online

man jumping on mountain

Hereā€™s five simple things you can quickly check over to help you boost your credibility online and win over potential customers. Most business owners I talk to think theyā€™re too busy or donā€™t know how to do this stuff, but you don’t need to be a tech wizard and a lot of it can be […]

How to export Mailchimp contacts into a WordPress newsletter plugin

Thoughtful Gorilla

Recently, Mailchimp announced a change in its free plan policy, which now limits the number of subscribers and how many emails can be sent. Whatā€™s changing in Mailchimpā€™s free plan? This has caused a bit of a stir among users who have been relying on the platform’s free plan to grow their email lists and […]