How SwiftSites can help you

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

If you’re a small business and you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, you’re in the right place.

  • How can I make my website look better and improve my credibility?
  • How do I know what the best things are to put on my website?
  • How the hell do I update and maintain my website and keep everything up to date?
  • What other things should I be doing online to get the best results for my business?

You have so many options out there for website designers and digital marketing services, so it can be hard to know who is the right fit for your business and where you are in your journey. I’m glad you stopped by.

How I can help you

First of all, I don’t work with everyone who needs a website. 

I’m always happy to do my absolute best to help where I can, and can often recommend someone great, but I’m not always the right person for the job.

I can definitely help you if:

  • You’re open to new ideas for improving your business using a website and digital marketing 
  • You’re willing to do some work to get the most out of your website 
  • You’re positive and motivated to learn new things
  • You see the value in investing in your business

I’m a perfect fit if you’re looking for a web designer who will:

  • Listen to and understand your goals, and get where you’re coming from
  • Look at the bigger picture and focus on getting the best results for your business 
  • Be swift and responsive, and give you the push you need to get things done
  • Support you and help you manage and maintain your website 
  • Be totally honest and transparent with you every step of the way

I’m obsessed with helping people to get the best results in the least amount of time so they can spend less time working, make more money, and get on with enjoying life.

At the end of the day, a website is just a tool to help you do business more efficiently.

I can’t really help you if:

  • You suck at making decisions or you have a team of decision makers
  • You’re always busy, disorganised, everything is urgent, or you don’t have time to do any work ON your business 
  • You’re not crystal clear about what your business offers or who your customers are
  • You’re not open to new ideas or don’t like taking advice 

Who is SwiftSites and what do they do?

I’m Adrian Griffin and I’ve been designing and building websites for close to 20 years (previously under the name Abepe) so I’ve seen a lot of platforms, tools, and techniques come and go.

Some things always stay the same and should be at the top of your list of priorities when looking for a website designer.

My main focus is always on these key elements. Most of them should be a given, but it still surprises me how so many modern websites miss the mark!

People love things that look great

It goes without saying that your website should look great and be easy to get around on different devices and screen sizes. 

I take great pride in making the websites I design and build look slick and stand out.

People don’t like to have to think too hard

It should be really clear how you can help your customers or audience and what they need to do to work with you or buy your products or services. 

I will work with you to discover what you offer and the best way for people to do business with you so we can create the most effective website.

Complicated things break

Websites don’t need to be complicated to be effective. 

Keep everything as simple as possible with only the features you absolutely need to achieve your goals, and you’ll save the headache of complex ongoing maintenance and unexpected problems.

I approach every website project with this in mind and will do my best to keep everything as streamlined as possible so you can get on with running your business.

Websites need to be updated regularly and maintained

There are two sides to this coin. 

On one side, you’ll need to be updating the content on your website regularly if you are planning to get any results with search engine optimisation or to give website visitors a reason to come back to your site.

Sure, the internet police won’t come and bust your door down if you don’t, but the best way to get results with your website is to give people a reason to find it, and creating content regularly is the best way.

On the other side, websites are built using software and, just like any software, it needs to be backed up, updated, secured, and monitored regularly so that everything is in top shape. This is especially true if the majority of your business comes through your website.

You can check out the website care page for more info.

Want to find out more about how I can help?

If this all sounds awesome, check out our services, or feel free to contact us with any questions or to schedule a call so I can learn more about your business.

2023 Adrian Griffin bw
Adrian Griffin | SwiftSites


I have used SwiftSites too many times to count now, and I keep going back because Adrian is extremely efficient, knowledgable, a quick response time, and just very easy to deal with all round. His work is slick, and he really knows what works in an up to date way. I have recommended him to many people, and will continue to do so!

Basil Cook – ABC Music

SwiftSites is the goods – on every level: providing awesome design that nailed our brief from the start(and more); uber-responsive to our (very few) requests for tweaks; providing a great depth of guiding resources, and delivering on promises and budget. We wish we’d found Adrian and SwiftSites three vendors ago! Thanks from the Everitas team!

David Kinsella – Everitas

The best website designer I’ve ever worked with. Responsive, intelligent and creative.

Simon Tedeschi

We absolutely love our new website! Adrian is such a professional – he’s so easy to work with and makes the complex world of websites and search rankings simple to understand. We would highly recommend him to any business.

Adam Beasley – Principal, Interactive Tax Consultants.

I cannot speak highly enough of the professional service we received from abepe design. The outcome is amazing with clients, referral partners and even competitors so impressed they are compelled to comment. I believe the logo designs, marketing material and website created by Adrian have helped to set us apart from the market and this would never have been possible without Adrian’s expertise, knowledge and creativity!

Lauren Ingall – Owner, Aurora Conveyancing

Adrian was able to understand my vision and with minimal fuss be able to produce an efficient and user friendly website that can compete with the best. Adrian’s communication demonstrated a willingness and confidence to achieve my desired outcome. Highly recommend for those like me who are intimidated with creating their own website.

Andy Dowling – Self Starter Podcast, The Andy Social Podcast